Monday, May 26, 2008

I went and saw this movie today. It was weird at the end. I liked the beginning.

Why I started a Blog

I started this because I needed hours for my Master's Degree in my B. University. It is a program at my school that we can do if we want when you are in the 5th grade. We have to earn our Associates Degree but anything after that is my choice. I chose to earn my Doctorate, which is as high as you can go, and I got it. We had to do a lot of papers with things we had to look up off the Internet that were hard to find and lots of other stuff that took a long time. Then I needed 10 hours in a field I might want a job in someday, but it can be something even if you don't want to work in that. I did this blog for the career of Graphic Design, even though that is not what I want to do. Then I needed 20 hours for my Doctorate Degree and I did it in Landscape Architecture because I do yard work with my brothers a lot as a job that I sometimes get paid for. I cut lawns at my Grandpa's apartments and other places. And I irrigate and pull weeds and roto-til too. I don't want to do that when I grow up either. I want to be a doctor but it was hard to get that many hours in doing that because my Dad works mostly when I am in school. We have the B. University graduation on Wednesday. My two older brothers also got their Doctorate degrees. The best part is I get a paintball gun if I got my Doctorate Degree. But my Dad doesn't know that yet. Just my Mom.

Cabo is my nickname that my oldest brother gave me.

one of Steve Smith's greatest moments

The color is bad, but still amazing!

Steve Smith Highlights